About the Artist

 Hi there! So for starters I’d like to explain the name of my shop. So Montey is in fact my middle name I have always loved it (and people pronounce it correctly (unlike my first name)) but more importantly, Montey was the name of my great Grandad. My mom always looked up to him and unfortunately he passed while I was still in the womb. But, I have always felt connected to him in some way although I have never met him. He was also an artist and  coincidentally has the same initials as I: MB, which is why I give my artwork the signature of a simple: MB. And from the stories I hear from family members he was a very good man, very interesting and strong. So, I found it fitting to name my business after him ( especially since it’s my name too). 

So, I am originally from Roseville, California. I grew up there mostly, however, I have also lived in Tennessee, coastal Georgia and am currently living in Arizona. I have done some semesters at college and have changed my major several times. Art is my life but I also love health and fitness and my ultimate goal is to be a personal trainer and open up my own gym that is also an art studio...I know weird right? I took a couple semesters off of school because I felt I needed a break but I will go back to get a degree...in something. I love to learn and I love to travel and there are so many places I want to see.

   My favorite materials to work with are pencil, colored pencil, and acrylic paint. But I dabble in a little this and that ( I bore easily). I have used oil paints, charcoal, oil pastels, chalk pastels, crayon, I love collage making and finding objects to peice together. I even took a ceramics class one semester and I fell in love with it although I’m not so good at the wheel. Sculpture making was more my forte. I took wood shop in middle school (and loved it) and I am currently working on some furniture refurbishing projects.

I have always liked to spend time alone. Although being surrounded by good, fun people who can conversate about things with deeper meaning or about enjoying the little things in life, I am down for. I am NOT I REPEAT NOT a morning person but I love breakfast food...and COFFEE ️ I try my best to be a positive and happy person but it doesn’t always work that way.  I don’t always communicate well and I love art because I can say something while being able to hide and not speak at all. 

I love animals ! Dogs mostly but I just love pets in general. I have even had a pet duck who thought she was a dog. That ones a story for another time. I love horses and I would love to have one of my own someday that I can ride all day. I’m obsessed with ELEPHANTS and sea turtles. I love nature and I’m a bit of a hippie at heart. 🏻 I like to incorporate nauture, flowers mostly, into a lot of my artwork. My favorite artists are Georgia Okeefe and Vincent Van Gogh. those two artists and their styles speak to my heart. 

Well... I think  that about sums up the basics about me. Like most artists I’m a simply complex individual and that’s all for now . 

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