My Creative Process

Ok so in case anyone is interested in how I create here it goes. So for starters my brain is like a filing cabinet. I literally picture files in my head and when I get an idea I put it into a file. My art ideas folder is huge. When I'm thinking about anything not just art, I have to scroll threw my filing system until  I find what I'm looking for... Does that make me crazy?? Anyways, art always starts with an idea and I find inspiration in anything. Sometimes it's another work of art or nature. Or sometimes I can even find shapes or faces in the most unexpected one time I was sitting on the toilet and I looked down and saw a towl waded up on the floor and to me it looked like a face so I ended up going to get my sketch book and started drawing while sitting on the potty staring at the floor. My piont is, there is really no explaination for where ideas come from. It just happens. Sometimes I start with an idea and I picture it in my head but when I start actually drawing, painting it, etc.. it turns into something entirely oposite of what I saw in my head and at that piont I either love it or want to burn it; there's no in between. Other times I start with a project in mind but I have no idea which media I want to use so I just kind of wing it and switch up supplies as I go along and see what works best. Its all trial and error; it;s a learning process and that's the fun part and there is never really errors when it comes to art.  It's not like math..Thank God. A "mistake" can always be altered into something new. I have had successful art projects and I have had a whole lot of frustration. It's the luck of the draw.   But I do know one thing for sure ... I can positvitly, absolutley not create with a busy or angry mind. If I don't like my surroundings I start to feel clausterphobic if I try to make something. So, that's basiclly how it goes.

P.S. The picture here is my "toilet art." 

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